Go Further with the Sex Blogger Community

Friday, June 05, 2009

Reputable Affiliate Programs

Hey folks; sorry I haven't posted here in a while.  My wife and I are considering augmenting our blog with advertising but have NO IDEA how to find reputable affiliate programs.  I have a few questions in this regard.
  • Is there a (less-biased) service that compares adult-affiliate programs?
  • Can anyone recommend any that has worked well for them?
We have modest (but respectable) traffic.  Any help would be much appreciated.


Blogger Unknown said...

babeland.com has a good affiliate program and so does eroticmassage.com both are very reputable. eroticmassage is for membership so it is a click through to CCBill and they pay on time. You don't have to do anything once it is up and the folks there will give you free access so you can comment on the movies if you want to do so. Babeland will send you free stuff.

Tue Aug 04, 06:54:00 pm GMT  

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