Has anyone tried meebo me? It appears to be a widget you embed in your blog that enables you to see who is viewing it and also chat with visitors. Anyone?
SBC is community based, informative resource for sex bloggers, it is not a blog directory. If you wish to contribute, or have any questions please email me SBCBlog@gmail.com
I had it on for awhile. One nice thing is that ou see how many visitor are on your site when you're logged in.
I found it a distraction and didn't like people I didn't know IMing me, so I removed it. Give it a try, you can always take it off.
Thanks for your feedback Viviane.
Check out the new embedded version of Kool IM.
Re previous comment. Does anyone have any experienc eof "KoolIM"?
I have Meebo Me in my blog. It does work fine and sometime I'm involved in conversations with occasional readers.
Just discovered your blog and I think I'll add it to my blogroll if you don't mind.
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