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Monday, September 24, 2007

Transferring Content to a New Host

OK so I'm yet again thinking about moving from Blogger. Can anyone with the technical know-how please help me understand how I can transfer my existing content on blogger to another host? How easy is it? Is there a magic button ;)? Is there any advantage in starting afresh? Advice, comments, speculation and stories all equally appreciated! Thanks, Imelda x


Blogger Viviane said...

Imelda it's quite easy.

I'm familiar with standalone Wordpress, but it'll work on hosted Wordpress too. In the Control panel there is a setting to import a blog. You provide the login and the new blog imports the old one, including comments and pictures.

You have a few hundred posts. I did it for over 2,000 posts and it worked fine. It was a little slow, but I call my ISP and they changed a setting and then it went smoothly.

The problem is that your pictures are in Blogger and may have to be reimbedded in Wordpress. They will remain on the Blogger server, so might disappear at some point.

I'm in the same boat.

Also, you should have your blog backed up somewhere. i.e. use the Blog Send address to email yourself your posts.

Tue Sept 25, 01:59:00 am GMT  
Blogger Imelda Imelda said...

Ah Viviane thanks, a complete novice like me needs that help! After you last said, I do now back up my blog via email (and my stories are in word) but I think I will make a move to wordpress (if I can work it out!!) Thanks also for the photos warning.

Imelda x

Thu Sept 27, 07:50:00 am GMT  
Blogger Imelda Imelda said...

HELP! It won't work. Any advise would be gratefully received. It says this:

Could not connect to https://www.google.com

There was a problem opening a secure connection to Google. This is what went wrong:

Success (0)

Sat Sept 29, 07:12:00 pm GMT  

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