Go Further with the Sex Blogger Community

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

SBC - Looking for New Authors!

There have been more comments on SBC recently then in the past. Most of these comments are from people that I do not believe were part of SBC when it was formed. This is a community blog, and community resource. If you consider yourself a sex blogger (not just porn) and would like to write on SBC, then please send an email to SBCBlog@gmail.com.

Pretty much anything about sex, the adult community, sex related news and blogging is an appropriate topic. This is not a place to promote your blog, and posts that do so will be edited or removed.

At this point in time, SBC does not participate in a link exchange. However, it there is an author that wishes to take responsibility for updating a blogroll and ensuring that all links were sex bloggers, I believe it would be a vibrant addition to SBC.