Go Further with the Sex Blogger Community

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's Next for the Adult Entertainment Industry?

I agree that adult bloggers need to have an open discussion about the state of the market today. It seems that free speech notwithstanding, "adult content" is getting a bum rap: many people I have spoken with about this think that the general repressed mindset is the real culprit, just look at the increase of filtering software available today with search engines bowing to the pressure and making it adult content the new "spam."

Although I am a new adult webmaster, I am quite disappointed in the quantity and quality of what's being presented: whether you are talking soft or hard core. While users with children should restrict access to the adult content that's intended for adult eyes only, the real question is: when adults search using keywords of "sex" or "porn" are they only looking for explicit photos or erotic stories? Isn't there more to adult content than this?

It seems that the adult social networking concept may be the saving grace: combining the ability for user generated content along with content provided by the webmaster. But in my opinion I think that the time may be right to step this concept up a level to an independent browser platform like Flock for instance.

I would like to get some input on this idea. Thanks to all.